Friday, May 31, 2019

Lightrail Is A Good Idea :: essays research papers

     The installation of a light rail transit system in capital of Texas would be a step in the direction of progress for Austins vocation problem. Austins present traffic situation is atrocious. in that location seems to be no real plan on how it will be fixed and paid for. The Capital Metro buses be the only form of tummy transit in Austin. The buses run for college students and go around campus and off campus. The buses that only travel on campus never have a very high ridership, where as the buses that go off campus always tend to be overfull. This is where light rail comes in.      Light rail is a term that come into being only in the last thirty or forty years. It refers to an electric railway system, constructed in the 1970s or later, characterized by its ability to operate single or ternary car consists, trains. It travels along exclusive rights-of-way track at ground level, on aerial structures, in subways, or in streets. It can board and discharge passengers at station platforms or at street, track, or car-floor level. Light rail can also refer to an electric railway with a "light volume" traffic capacity, as opposed to heavy rail. Light rail may use shared or exclusive rights-of-way, high or low platform incumbrance and multi-car trains or single cars. Also known as "streetcar," "trolley car" or "tramway.      Opponents of Austins proposed light rail system usually state that a better solution to Austins traffic problem is to add to a greater extent lanes to the highways and add more miles of road. They also say that the city postulate to maintain the current streets better. Houston is a good example of what good roads can do to help traffic problems. Houston Metro, Houstons transit agency, spent $700 one thousand million on 88 miles of carpool lanes in Houston. Carpool lanes, or high occupancy vehicle(HOV) lanes, are lanes that are separated from the m ain highway by barriers and require that a vehicle be carrying at least two people to use them. The extra HOV lanes have reduced Houstons overall traffic congestion by sextette percent. In Katy, southwest Houston, the HOV lanes have reduced congestion by 14 percent.      Houston has done a good job with improving their highways, but there are some downsides. Even though the HOV lanes have helped to reduce traffic congestion in most places by up to six percent, they are now carrying more people than designed for.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Leonardo da Vinci :: Renaissance Biography Biographies

Childhood Years Leonardo da Vinci was a renaissance painter, architect, engineer, mathematician and philosopher. He was the greatest genius the world has ever seen. On April 15, 1452 Leonardo di ser Piero was born in Anchiano. From there he moved to Vinci.A famous misconception about this gay is his last holler. Most people would assume da Vinci is his last name, however, his last name is not da Vinci. Da means from therefore Leonardo da Vinci means Leonardo from Vinci. Instead of explained which Leonardo he was he would say Leonardo from Vinci so as to not confuse anyone. Vinci was a Republic of Florence, and in itself it is equivalent with our boroughs or counties.Leonardos father, Ser Piero, got a woman named Catarina pregnant. It is likely that she was the daughter of a farmer and therefore he didnt marry her. She gave birth to Leonardo and then Ser Piero espouse another woman within the year. He was 25 years old when Leonardo was born. His fathers occupation was a public not ary.Leonardo was christened in Baptismal chapel service in Vinci he was christened by the parson Piero da Bartolomeo to the name Lionardo and not Leonardo. Leonardo lived with his father and his fathers first wife in Anchiano until Leonardo was about vanadium years old then they move to Vinci to live with Leonardos father. Ser Piero and his first wife never had any children and even though Leonardo was illegitimate he was combine into his fathers family.Leonardo went to school in Vinci his teachers were hopeless to the fact that Leonardo was always questioning and doubting his teachers. Leonardo lived in Vinci until he was 14 then he moved to Florence to begin an apprenticeship in the workshop of Verrocchio. From Florence to FranceLeonardo stayed in Florence for quite a while. He considered it his home and returned several times throughout his life.Verrocchio was very impresses with Leonardos drawings so he gave Leonardo a place in his workshop. In this workshop Leonardo got a cha nce to work with Botticelli, Perugino and Lorenzo di Credi. Leonardos apprenticeship ended with Verrocchio in June 1472 when he got his name red book of painters from Florence (Campagnia de Pittori). However, in ending the apprenticeship Leonardo did not leave Verrocchios workshop. In fact Verrocchio and Leonardo worked together on several paintings.The first put down drawing of Leonardos was on August 5, 1473.

The English Patient :: essays research papers

The English PatientAuteurMichael Ondaatje (12 september 1943, Colombo Sri Lanka) is een Canadese schrijver, hoewel er ook Engels, Nederlands, Tamil en Sinhalees bloed door zijn aderen stroomt. Toen hij negen was, verhuisde hij met zijn moeder, zuster en broer naar Londen. In 1962 emigreerde hij naar Canada, waar hij Engels en geschiedenis ging studeren. In zijn studietijd begon hij gedichten te schrijven en in 1967 verscheen zijn eerste dichtbundel The Dainty Monsters. De eerste tien jaar van zijn schrijverscarrire schreef Ondaatje alleen gedichten. Deze waren veelal surrealistisch, waarvan zijn debuut The Collected whole kit of Billy the churl Left Handed Poems (1970) voor toneel werd bewerkt en tevens ontving hij hiervoor een prestigieuze Canadese literatuurprijs. Het is in feite een collage, waarin Ondaatje door middel van fotos, gedichten, prozastukken, liederen en tekeningen een beeld schetst van Billy the Kid, de legendarische held van het Wilde Westen. Ondaatje bewonderde d e Canadese zanger en schrijver Leonard Cohen, zodoende schreef hij een monografie over run up in 1970. Zijn eerste roman Coming to slaughter presenteerde hij in 1979, dat cinematografisch evenals potisch mag worden genoemd. In deze levensschets van Buddy Holden, de trompettist waarmee de jazz begon, hanteerde Ondaatje dezelfde werkwijze als bij The Collected Works of Billy the Kid Left Handed Poems. Zijn jeugd op Sri Lanka (destijds heette het nog Ceylon) in een geprivilegieerd milieu schilderde hij in een kleurrijke mengeling van autobiografische feiten en fictie in zijn boek Running in the family (1982). Zijn rokkenjagende en dranklustige vader speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. De pijn van zijn scheiding en het ontdekken van nieuwe liefde worden uitvoerig beschreven in Secular love (1984), dat bestaat uit een verzameling van liedachtige teksten. Het werk van Ondaatje is vrij lastig in te delen, aangezien hij voor een postmodernistische combinatie van stijlen heeft gekozen. Zijn immigrantenroman In the scratch of a lion (1987) gaat over klassenverschillen in de jaren twintig en dertig. Zoals in zijn eerdere werk, hanteerde hij hier opnieuw de collagetechniek, waarbij stukje bij beetje alle onderdelen toch op hun plaats in het grote geheel vallen. Gedurende een nachtelijke autorit wordt aan het dochtertje van zijn pas overleden vriendin het levensverhaal verteld van de Canadees Patrick Lewis. In the skin of a lion was zijn meest populaire boek tot de verfilming van The English Patient in 1997 voor een groot publiek. Zo ontstond er grote belangstelling voor deze roman uit 1992, over vier personen in een halfverwoeste Italiaanse villa aan het eind van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Culture Dominated by Males in Literature Essay -- Literary Analysis

How is the protagonists relationship with his/her mother the source of their alienation?All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother -Abraham Lincoln.1 Alienation a withdrawing or separation of a person, or a persons affections from an object or personate of former attachment2. Alienation is a key theme present in woman at Point Zero3 and The Metamorphosis4 by Nawaal El Saadawi and Franz Kafka respectively which is accentuated by two authors to describe what the protagonists go through. With the use of diction, imagery, contrast and symbolism, it is seen how the absence of mother in the protagonists life in the two books contributes greatly to their alienation. Gregor Samsa, from The Metamorphosis was the repair bread earner of his family, and was brought up in a society where men took charge. When he to a lower placegoes his metamorphosis, he cannot stand the fact that his family has to work and he toyed with the idea that next time the door was opened, h e would take the familys affairs in hand (111). These thoughts suggest how much Gregor disliked the fact that his mother had to do the formulation (96). The connotation of the word toyed creates an image of how Mrs. Samsa was unable to act. Gregors desire for domination at this point in the novel begins to emerge, as he searches for his new betoken in the family, which symbolizes his attitude as he is executed from his bread earning position. However, at this point Gregor is unable to do anything and is left contemplating about it. Nawaal El Saadawi shows us how Firdaus, from Woman At Point Zero never shared a normal relationship with her mother in the little time that she lived with her. Firdaus first notices her mothers disregard when she trie... ... from their mothers decreases as the novel goes on. It is ironic that a figure such as that of a mother who is supposed to shower her children with abundant love under all circumstances shuns away from her children when they nee d her the most. Nawaal El Saadawi and Franz Kafka portray their characters as people who share unusual bonds with their mothers and how this contributes greatly to their progressing alienation throughout the book.WORKS CITED1. mummy Quotations - Quotations. BellaOnline -- The Voice of Women. Web. 03 Mar. 2010. http// Websters All-In-One Dictionary and Thesaurus, 2008 Edition. Print3. Sadw, Nawl. Woman at Point Zero. London Zed, 1983. Print4. Kafka, Franz, and Malcolm Pasley. Metamorphosis and Other Stories Works publish during Kafkas Lifetime. London Penguin, 2000. Print

Chaucers Irony - The Canterbury Tales Essay -- English Literature

Chaucers Irony - The Canterbury TalesChaucers IronyIrony is a vitally important part of The Canterbury Tales, andChaucers ingenious use of this literary thingamabob does a lot to providethis book with the classic status it enjoys even today. Chaucer hasmastered the techniques required to skilfully put his points acrossand subtle irony and sarcasm is particularly effective in making apoint. The Canterbury Tales are well-known as an attack on the Churchand its rle in ordinal century society. With the ambiguityintroduced by the nave and ignorant Chaucer the pilgrim, the writeris able to make ironic attacks on characters and what they representfrom a whole new angle. The differences in opinion of Chaucer thepilgrim and Chaucer the writer are much more than nuances - the twopersonas are very often diametrically opposed so as to cause heavyirony.In the Friars portrait, he is delineated and depicted by riddles ofcontradictory qualities. Chaucer expertly uses ironic naivet tohighlight t he Friars lack of moral guilt. When the reader is toldthat the Friar, knew the taverns wel in every toun (l. 240), we stoogetake it to mean that he spends very much time drinking, flirting andsocialising in pubs. The Friar is superseded to be a holy man, but we define that he knew the landlords and barmaids much better than thepeople he has meant to be consoling, praying for and helping out ofthe vicious circle of poverty. Chaucer the pilgrim explains howimpressive the Friars generous charity is and has respect for the federal agencyhe marries off young girls with suitable husbands and pays for theceremony. However, he neglects to mention that the only reason theFriar does this is because he has illegi... ...Of course, Chaucerthe pilgrim simply sees this as being elegant and sophisticated. end-to-end The General Prologue we see how Chaucer the pilgrim hasbeen swayed and convinced by what the other pilgrims tell him. So muchso that he reports qualities that are often the opposite of the truepersonalities of the characters he is describing. This ambiguityreveals a very clever sort of irony on behalf of the writer - whileChaucer the pilgrim is easily drawn in by their deliberatemisrepresentations, it is up to the readers to see how wrong he is anddraw their own, more accurate, conclusions. It shows many of thepilgrims to be very different people than those symbolised by theideal qualities they want others to see. This astute technique isparticularly effective in pointing out the hypocrisy and corruption inthe Christian Church during Chaucers time.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay -- Quid pro quo harassment, h

versed harassment is a crippling reality in the work environment. The effects can be ravaging to an organization, to the psyche harassed, fellow employees, and the harasser. Sexual harassment is not necessarily about sex, it is certainly about power. When someone at work uses cozy behavior to control you, whether it is behavioral or physical in nature, that is informal harassment.The exploration of this issue will include a definition of sexual harassment, the intent and behavior of the harasser, the effects sexual harassment has on the harassed, the negative impact sexual harassment has on an organization, procedures and processes of filing a sexual harassment complaint, and management perspective including preventive measures that should be taken. Sexual harassment is defined as any mental strain of unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and separate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexua l harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual?s employment, unreasonable interferes with an individual?s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. ( The most extreme form of sexual harassment occurs when an employee loses a job benefit or other privilege of employment, or is fired because the employee has rejected sexual demands. This is one form of sexual harassment that may occur in the workplace. This type of sexual harassment of sexual harassment is referred to as quid pro quo which literally means ?this for that?, a specific demand for sexual favors in exchange for job security or job benefits. This type of sexual ... ... A. Mitsubishi settles Workers? Disputes under pressure from NOW. NOW. (Fall 1998) Internet http// Larsen, Shawn. Sexual Harassment-frequencies by gender. (September 1995) Internet http//www.v McCoy-Ullrich,Dawn. Sexual harassment at work. Lifewise Office Politics. (May 2000) Internet http// Myrianthopoulos, Thalia. Supreme Court Restricts Civil Rights Remedies. NOW. (Fall, 1999) Internet http// http// http// traffic%20With%2?1%20Harassment%20in%20the%20Workplace.html9.http//

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay -- Quid pro quo harassment, h

Sexual harassment is a crippling reality in the work environment. The effects can be ravaging to an organization, to the individual harassed, fellow employees, and the harasser. Sexual harassment is not necessarily about sex, it is certainly about power. When some matchless at work uses inner manner to control you, whether it is behavioral or physical in nature, that is sexual harassment.The exploration of this issue will include a definition of sexual harassment, the intent and behavior of the harasser, the effects sexual harassment has on the harassed, the negative impact sexual harassment has on an organization, procedures and processes of filing a sexual harassment complaint, and management placement including preventive measures that should be taken. Sexual harassment is defined as any form of unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassm ent when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual?s employment, unreasonable interferes with an individual?s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. ( The more or less extreme form of sexual harassment occurs when an employee loses a job benefit or other privilege of employment, or is fired because the employee has rejected sexual demands. This is one form of sexual harassment that may occur in the workplace. This type of sexual harassment of sexual harassment is referred to as quid pro quo which literally means ?this for that?, a specific demand for sexual favors in exchange for job security or job benefits. This type of sexual ... ... A. Mitsubishi settles Workers? Disputes under stuff from NOW. NOW. (Fall 1998) Internet http// Larsen, Shawn. Sexual Harassment-frequencies by gender. (September 1995) Internet http//www.vix .com/pub/men/harass/studies/larsen.html4. McCoy-Ullrich,Dawn. Sexual harassment at work. Lifewise Office Politics. (May 2000) Internet http// Myrianthopoulos, Thalia. Supreme Court Restricts civilized Rights Remedies. NOW. (Fall, 1999) Internet http// http// http//

Monday, May 27, 2019

Cold War Ethical Reflection

Reflection of the Cold War The Cold War, from 1945 to 1991, is one of the most important periods of time that has greatly influenced and determine the modern world. It was not safe a battle between dickens super powers, the USA and the Soviet Union, and also a clash of two really popular ideologies during that time. There was the American claim of fighting for freedom and majority rule and the Soviet claims of fighting for the interests of the workers and the common people.Now in theory, these ideologies seemed ethical, hardly throughout this period, both(prenominal) countries actions severely opposed the ideologies they represented on numerous occasions. some(a) say it all came down to a competition of achieving the most power and influence and just using what theyre supposed to represent as a disguise to hide the true intention of their actions. Now this is partly true and in this check I will explain the cynicism caused by both superpowers and decide which one actually repr esented a greater evil. Lets start with Soviet Union.They were communist and actually held true to these values in billet their own country but did use brutal force to destroy anyone who opposed their totalitarian radiation diagram and this often led to many deaths. Even though life under Soviet Union had its ups and downs, it is the actions that they did in other countries which really gave them a negative understand particularly in the west, throughout most of the cold war. One of the first atrocious acts they committed was the Berlin Blockade which was an attempt to exercise their power over eastward Berlin.They blocked the country from receiving necessary supplies and instead of helping the workers and installing communism, they were oppressing them and this was a major event that deteriorated their image, and they even did this again with the construction of the Berlin Wall. The same thing happened in Czechoslovakia. Although they were supporting socialism in the country, t hey were not representing the interests of the common people.Most wanted freedom but the Soviets just rolled in their tanks to stop this from happening, first in 1948 by arranging a coup to put the unpopular communist party in power, and then they rolled in the tanks again in the Prague Spring but this time were unsuccessful in stopping the uprising. The Soviets had a habit of undermining eastern European countries through force and keeping them in the Iron Curtain which afterward led to popular distaste of their regime like in the Polish solidarity Movement.But you could argue that they even though they used brute force to install communism, they were in general, supporting their ideologies. Also whenever there was a communist uprising in any foreign country, they would almost always support it either politically, or by supplying arms and finance. They did this for ideological reasons usually because part of the Marxist theory is that communism is inevitable, so it was their duty to help a communist regime in trouble.They did exactly this by supporting the communist party in the Greek Civil War who were being violently oppressed by the other side (Irony) and there actually was a big social class division in Greece at the time and many people wanted communism as a solution so the soviets justly supported the movement even though it failed. They did this again in the Korean War, and the first Indo China War whose situations were reasonably similar. But their greatest success was in the Chinese Civil War and when the Communists won, it drastically strengthened Soviet Russias Ideologies.Now lets talk intimately USA. They stood for freedom and democracy and were really against the communist ideology. But throughout most of the cold war, it is impossible to depict USA as a good influence. The position Plan although was one of the greatest actions USA had taken and they gave slightly 13 million dollars in aid to the war devastated countries in order to help the m rebuild. Some might argue that they only did this to improve their trade business with these countries and to help form NATO in order to compete with the Soviets and this is partially true.Other things they did which showed they actually stood up for democracy was supporting the democratic revolutions in the Korean War, Polish Solidarity Movement, and the Velvet Revolution. They not only did they do this for freedom, but also to stop the authoritarian spread of Communism which they deemed highly undemocratic and even propagandized it as evil especially during the Berlin Airlift which is one of the most famous benevolent event that the USA orchestrated. But those were the only freedom fighting they took. Everything else they did was highly undemocratic.USA has a tendency to overthrow foreign government if they dont please their interests. Their first major anti-freedom action was overthrowing the democratically elect government of Iran simply because the new leader decided to nat ionalize the oil for benefit of the Iranian People. Then they did the exact same thing in Guatemala because the interests of their fruit companies were in danger. All of these overthrows were done through US backed coups and the School of America played a key role in this, especially in Latin America.This Superpower has caused so lots devastation in Latin America through that school that it was unbelievable. They would train agents in that school to do the most brutal actions necessary to stop communism. The US backed coups in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, along with supporting the PRI in Mexico brought years of terror in those countries that unsounded affect them today. All of this happened only because the elected leaders had some socialist tendencies and that was all the excuse USA needed. So much for freedom and democracy.They even illegitimately and secretly invaded Cuba (tried to) and Grenada and brought more horror to those places especially to Grenada whose economy was com pletely destroyed for a while. They used massive propaganda justify all their illegal actions especially in Vietnam which was their biggest mistake. Three million Vietnamese (mostly Civilians) died in this pointless war to stop the spread of Communism. They were so many opportunities to negotiate a peace treaty but this Superpower was too intent on dragging it on for twenty years.So many innocents were slaughtered especially during the Cambodian Genocide which was also caused by USA that lies about this war reached American citizens who then protested to stop the war, especially after the coverage of the My Lai Massacre where US soldiers killed over 300 innocent men, women, and children. The country was so anti-communist at one point that the freedom of expression of the people was destroyed during the McCarthy witch-hunt. Anyone who was associated with communism or had communist tendencies was unjustly prosecuted and this lasted for a whole six years from 1950 to 1956.It was of the greatest tragedies In US history because it greatly destroyed the image of freedom usually associated with the country. The feeling of cynicism towards both Superpowers was definitely justified because both had committed treble atrocious acts during the cold war, but USA is still definitely in my opinion the greater of the two evils. Even thought the Soviet Union was savagely authoritarian in many cases, they still stayed true in general in their claims about supporting communism and never once did anything anti-communist.They supported ninefold communist struggles across the world economically and militarily, some of these actions were morally justified and others werent. The USA on the other hand had overthrown so many democratically elected governments for the most unethical reasons ever that it is hard for me to associate freedom with USA. The Soviets at least kept true to their claims (brutal as they were) but the same cannot be utter for the other Superpower. They did con siderably a so many undemocratic and anti-freedom actions which massively deteriorated their claims in my opinion.They only positively influenced Europe but devastated the rest of the world especially Latin America who were pretty much set back a couple of decades thanks to USAs actions. This country was involved in denary illegal conflicts that opposed their claims and led to the senseless deaths of millions of people around the world and many more were negatively affected by these actions, especially economically. As much devastation both countries caused to the world, USA defiantly represented a greater evil in the cold war. By Afzal Manzoor

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The summer holiday

After each term in school pupils have holidays. It Is calm to have holidays. You can do whatever you like and you dont have to get up early. Most of all I like summer holidays because they be the time-consuming ones. Last summer was very interesting for me. I dont go to the seaside or somewhere abroad but I spent a well time with my family and my friends. In June I with my friends watched Euro 201 2 and we didnt miss any match. It was a great event for Ukraine. And I think at that moment anybody believed In the victory.In July I went to my grandmother who lives In the village. I had a very good time there, because I had an active rest. I got up early In the morning and worked In the vegetable garden. I helped my granny to water the vegetables and to take care of the plants. The days In the country passed very quickly. I had a lot of things to do every day. Sometimes I went to the forest. It Is not far from the village. There I picked up berries and mushrooms. In the evening I wa tched TV and read books.August was not very exceptional but it stuck in my memory because of the trip to the mountains with my father. It was very interesting and exciting. We made our trip on the Independence day. We started early in the morning, took some food and equipments. And in the afternoon we were on the tip of Hoverer. We made friends with a lot of people and made many photos. It was wonderful day. We had a very good time. Now my holidays are over and I am looking forward to the next ones. I suppose they will be much better.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Nutrition Essay

1.Select a sweetener. sucrose2.Explore the history of the sweetener (when it was developed, its composition). Sucrose, according to our text, is serene of one glucose (the most common sugar molecule) molecule and one fructose (the sweetest natural sugar) molecule. The bond is called glycosidic linkage. Because of this mixture, Sucrose is known to be sweeter than lactose or malt sugar (the other 2 out of the 3 most common disaccharides, which is a carbohydrate compound consisting of 2 or more molecules joined together). The history of sucrose dates back to thousands and thousands of years ago when the sugar cane was discovered in the South Pacific, rumored specifically to have been found in New Guinea. Its molecular polity is C12H22O11. (taken from Wikipedia)3.Discuss safety and the sweetener that you have selected. When pure, sucrose has an energy content of 3.94 kilocalories per gram, which helps give roundone that instant jolt of energy they are looking for. This becomes unsaf e when consumed in large amounts and when looking at it from a health standpoint, should not be used for that jolt. When using Sucrose in moderation, or small doses, it does not ticktock as may risk factors as it does when over consumed. Also, please note that there really is not any nutritional value in Sucrose itself. Typically, sucrose is spoken of as table sugar. The most common health risk of Sucrose would be linked to tooth decay and other dental issues. another(prenominal) health issues linked to a diet with an over-abundance of sucrose would be hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus.4.Examine the relationship between the sweetener that you have selected and obesity. There is a standoff to be said about sugars of any type in your diet. When it comes to Sucrose consumption leading to obesity, it really depends on the type and frequency of the consumption itself. For instance, some drinks containing high levels of sucrose may be linked to the development of obesity and insulin re sistance. Also, as said above, it can lead to dental problems and possibly diabetes. It has also been imitation that Sucrose can lead to metabolic syndrome. This is a combination of medical disorders that can increase diabetes and cardiovascular diseases when working together. Because this occurs within the insulin-resistant, it does not necessarily intend you are obese if youre diagnosed, but it does mean that it can increase ones chances of being obese. So when all is said in done, use Sucrose or any sweeteners for that fact, in low-moderation to avoid any health risks that result in the over consumption of Sucrose.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Education Is the Key to Changing Life Styles Essay

Narration essay by Marie Price 3 February 2009 for Engliish 1AMarie Price06 February 2009 I was at a conviction a young mother in an abusive marriage, uneducated, sacred, and wondering Is this life has in store me? I learned the hard way that no matter what mistakes I bring in my life, with nutrition of family and friends, I was able to choose a better life style through higher education and dedication. At the age of sixteen I got unify and had a child. I heard the saying over, and again Just babies having babies. You could non convince me of that back because.As I look back straightaway it was not nonpareil of my better choices. I had married a man who was a lot older than me, so on that pointfore I just k rude(a) I was both grown up. My mother was not happy to say the least and a shouting match lasted for a few days. I told her if she did not sign the cover I would run away, do it anyway and she would neer see me again. So against her better judgment she signed the pap ers. The first couple of familys were good, but then it got abusive verbally as well as physical. Physical plague is obvious black eyes, and bruises hidden behind sun glasses, and makeup.When there is verbal abuse you are told nobody will ever want you, and that you are to dumb to ever do any thing on your own, or you will never amount to anything. The funny thing about that is after a while for approximately reason you begin to believe it. After ten years of this, I finally divorced. I was scared and thought I was not going to be able to make it on my own. With a young daughter to support, I took my first step in many to come in my lifes journey, working cardinal jobs to keep a roof over our heads, and it was not easy to make ends meet.I never went to high school so I believed it was my destiny to struggle for the rest of my life. As a single young parent laborious to be the best mother I could be, always at work I missed a lot of time with my daughter, time I beseech now I had to do over again. It is 1998 I decided to take my GED test telling my egotism You will not be to pass this test you never went to school. Well I gathered all my will and took the test anyway I remember waiting for t he results it was sheer touchier. Then came one of the best days of my life I passed the test.That was the first step in many to happiness that I am still working on to this day. In 1999 while at work at the warehouse I was employed at I met a man named Carlos, who to this day is a big discussion section of my life. He is an educated man who is really well spoken, with lots of great advice. He and I became friends, and talked a lot about peoples choices in life. Carlos is a very wise man with a heart of gold. Trough our many talks I learned a person could do what ever they first, set there minds to and second, have the drive to want to better themselves.He seen something in me that I did not see in myself, the ability to go further in life, I ended up leaving that job for employment in Orange County as a credit processor. Thinking that was the job I would retire from. It did not work out that way you hear the story over and over on the news, the company goes out of business and the employees are left out in the cold looking for work that is not there. This was at the end of 2007 like so many others could not find work.Bills going unpaid I mazed my car first then my house shortly after, and became homeless, so for the first time since I moved out of my moms house so many years ago I felt that I had no where to turn and my ex was correct about not being able to make it on my own, with the musical note of complete despair I phoned my mom telling her my dilemma just wanting some one to talk to, I felt so hopeless, and only if not feeling what to do. Well my mom and brother talked, and then asked me if I wanted I could stay with them until I got back on my feet.I started some classes via mail and very well, one more(prenominal) step toward hi gher education. So I announced to my family I am going to go to college full time. It is now fall semester 2008 at Chaffey College I have to my first semester was a challenge and the first couple of weeks I found myself calling my thirty two year old daughter Amy, a couple of times saying I do not think this was such a great idea, I dont know what made me think I could do this. Amy said to meMom dont give up I am so proud of you, and I know you can do this.With a lot of time spent at the writing center as well as the success centers I was able to shock myself once again. I received two (As) and one (B) last semester. Not bad for someone who never went to high school? I still have my struggles, this semester it is mathematics but I am putting in the extra effort coming to campus on Fridays so I can spend all the time I film in the PS 12 math labs, because failing is not an option I have come too far, and I recant to give up. I believe that without my familys support this wouldnt be possible to achieve my dream of making something of myself.I will be starting a new tradition in my family. I am proud to say I will be the first college graduate in my family. I have two granddaughters Anisa who is sixteen, and Angel who is thirteen. I constantly tell them how important their education is. I am adamant about the fact they will go to college as well, expressing to them how they need to be independent young women and seek higher education. I let them know what a struggle it was for me as a young mother, and how they deserve more in life.Could there be a better life for someone who quits school too young and becomes pregnant? With confidence in ones self and the ability to take it one step at a time all things are possible. When all seems lost friends and family will see in you the things we seem to over look in ourselves. It is not easy to return to school after being out for over twenty years, but I am here to say that no matter what mistakes we make in our lives, through hard work and dedication to higher education, all things are possible.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Organizational Influences Essay

_Abstract_This paper will attempt give explanation to the fundamental lawal influences in the workplace that tail assembly cause an increase direct of stress due to ethical-type stopping points and technological advances. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that leading commitment to excellence begins with the way information is outlined and how decisions directly affect the esprit de corps and overall perception of an organization. Hopefully, this paper will succeed in placing value into the critical decisions necessary to develop a strong lasting workforce that is intend to make a positive impression economically and reasonable for an effective learning business environment._Ethics on Decision Making_So what is ethical? This _ethical_ argument has had scholars eternally debating to find the real meaning for generations. It is not expected to deduct truly the inner-workings of ethics in this paper however, as critical as it may front it is something that needs consta nt questioning in order to bring out the best theatrical role in everyone to maintain the organizations interests. Putting this into attitude at its simplest form, asking what is right or wrong, good or bad would be a good start. excise for instance the value of integrity, an ethical influence on decision making, can affect how the organization is perceived though the public eyes and the net incomeing impact with other organizations. To include ethical qualities in decision making is not exclusive to the private sector, it also requires participation from organizations in the public sector as in the U.S.Army.Americans pay tribute to Soldiers everyday as they fight for the freedoms that they so much enjoy. As they make very difficult decisions everyday, concerning life or death situations, they follow what is called the Seven Army Values. Among them is integrity which is describe as _Do whats right, legally, and morally_. This is important for Soldiers to understand this meanin g because everything that is done and accomplished is in a teamwork effort that ultimately affects the organization. The success of the mission is heavily dependent to trusting and knowing each other. After working with each other for some time, they find comfort in knowing that in tough situations, individuals can count on their team members for assistance and to _pick up the pieces_. This brings out the quality that is needed to further support the spirit that needs embracing which creates the ethical quality necessary to keep the team integrity intact.Leaders of all levels have goals and expectations of each other in the business environment which should be clearly specify to our teams. Unfortunately, this is not always the case which weakens the expected ethical quality. When establishing a plan with a clear vision, the fundamental premise of the plan is that each member has an duty to act in the best interest of the organization and in support of its mission, and essential n ot allow outside activities or financial interests interfere with those obligations. This is a real condition that has huge ramifications because the mere appearances if improper behavior can render unethical acts,thus opening the door for unwelcome publicity to an organization.Take for instance the recent dealings between Halliburton and the U.S. government. Vice-President Cheney previously served as chief executive officer of Halliburton, a Dallas oil-services giant, which he is currently receiving deferred compensation which the government would not specify how large his payment will be this year or how long the payments will continue (Lazarus 2002). The perceived ethical conflict is clear for it de-values the principles of an organization that is wishes to uphold. This value is integrity, either legal or not, it is a principle that affects an organizations morale which has a deeper connection of how an organization will further network with others in the pursuit of strategic gro wth._Affects of Technology on Stress_There is no question that technology has changed the way we do business- which includes communications and deliverables. As a result, thither atomic number 18 service demands from partners and consumers that must be fulfilled in order to keep competitive and reliability in the fast paced networking environment. Therefore, the technology we rely on adds stress to any organization that wishes to progressively look into improving their efficiency and effectiveness. The advancements in technology is intended to facilitate production and minimize operations cost in order to keep up with the increasing demands. However, with the growing trends of demand and technology, valuable training to use newer forms of technology became a second priority. In addition, sight are spending less time with family and working longer hours which have also change magnitude the work-related stress levels.A research conducted by the Kensington Technology grouping (1999 ) stated that 51 percent of them (employees) report that the possibility of losing documents due to computer crashes is also a factor to work-related stress. Due to this trend in organizational behavior, the leadership in any organization must realize that they must proactively discuss the usage of technological practicality and not always assume employees will directly kick back about work-related stress caused by technological advancements. The leadership team must establish a caring-system for its employees because it ultimately affects their productivity and bottom-line. The operations of theorganization rely on fresh-progressive minds that cannot function under immense levels of poor judgment that results in poor customer care. Some signs that include lower commitment, increased conflict and absenteeism (Davies, 2005) are indicators that employees are not focused on organizational goals, but rather on finding ways to survive another day._Leadership Responsibilities_As organiza tional leaders understand that technological advancements is the way of the competitive future, one of the first steps to ensure competitiveness is to furnish and properly train their employees with that technology. In doing so, initiating new systems into the workplace must be communicated in ways that explains why the changes are necessary allowing the opportunity to minimize any confusion or misinterpretation that is intended to build a stronger and more efficient organization. The importance of training employees in technological usage makes simple business sense.According to the National Small Business Association (NSBA, 2006) it estimates trio of companies (37%) are engaged in e-commerce, including 52% of businesses in the retail industry and 50% of those in manufacturing meaning that the use of technology is a critical particle of networking, coordinating and marketing to the wide range of consumers. Of the organizations surveyed by NSBA, 89% of them will rely on technologi cal advancements for strategic growth. Setting an internal training programme is an option that can create an enhanced and developed employee on technical skills necessary to focus on potential organizational needs rather than reacting to increased stress levels and technological support concerns._Conclusion_The information provided by this paper demonstrates the necessity of competent leaders to measure influential effectiveness of a decision by creating an optimal working environment that would facilitate a long lasting impression for future opportunities. Therefore, ethical decision making and leveraging mitigating stress factors is a way to minimize negative impacts that yield high organizational costs such as reduction of effort byemployees to complete tasks, perceptions and strategic support that would otherwise be a fundamental business approach for success.ReferenceBodwell, D.J. (2002). High performance teams. Retrieved October 12, 2007, from the High Performance Teams Webs ite http//, R. (2005). Dont stress. design Management, 15(1), p 20-23. Retrieved October 14, 2007, from University of Phoenix EBSChost DatabaseKensington Technology Group. (1999). Technology increases workplace stress, tipping the scales of work-life balance. BusinessWire. Retrieved October 12, 2007, from the BusinessWire Websitehttp//,+Tipping+the+Scales+of+-a055407271Lazarus, David (2002). Conflict of interest for vice president? Retrieved October 12, 2007, from the San Francisco Chronicle Websitehttp// archive/2002/11/03/BU231196.DTLMcCracken, T. & Willey, G.(2007). NSBA survey of small and mid-sized businesses. National Small Business Association. Retrieved October 14, 2007, from http//

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Environmental and Competitive Analysis of Easyjet Essay

This report has been writ cristal in order to provide an environmental and competitive abstract of the low- comprise production lineline attention heavens from the position of Easyjet. It entrust give a brief history into Easyjet and the low- be airline industry. It will analyse the inhering strengths and weaknesses as well as the external threats and opportunities. Competitors will be analysed through the use of porters 5 forces model. Recommendations will be made for EasyJets marketing strategies for the contiguous triplet long time.Corporate HistoryEasyjet was founded in 1995 by Stelios Haji-Ioannou who found the firm around the low- court, no-frills model of the US flight operator Southwest. The pattern of Easyjet is found on the fact that short flights at heart Europe are legal injury elastic, meaning the lower the prices the to a greater extent people will perish at heart Europe.The deregulation of the European airline industry in 1992 authorised any European ai rline to lam, fly and land anywhere within Europe. This allowed airlines to expand routes and operate within Europe with much higher precision.Easyjet was initially started from its hanger headquarters at Luton airport with two Boeing 737-300s aiming flights from London Luton to Glasgow and Edinburgh at a price of 29 each way.To date easyJet has now expanded into dourering 125 routes from 39 major European airports use their exit of 122 aeroplanes. EasyJet has also expanded into having liberal basis at not only Luton airport only if also Liverpool, Geneva, and AmsterdamBack in 1999 easyJet gained free mass exposure to an audience of around 9 wiz thousand thousand viewers through ITVs fly on the wall documentary series Airline.The launch of in 1997 has become an integral part of the business concern model and has seen a huge change in the culture of booking motivity tickets. Currently provides around 90% of bookings today and in 2001 hit ten million sales making it the second busiest travel website in the UK.Ryanair and easyJet are in approximate contention with each new(prenominal)(a) as they are the two largest low- approach airlines operating within the UK. Since easyJets takeover of the low-cost airline Go in 2002 it has become Europes largest airline in this sector but still faces fierce competition.EasyJet Mission StatementA mission statement should be the ultimate goal of a firm and should filter down into every segment of an organisation.To provide our guests with safe, good value, point-to-point air services. To effect and to offer a consistent and reliable product and fares appealing to leisure and business markets on a be adrift of European routes. To achieve this we will develop our people and establish lasting relationships with our suppliers. (http// environmental code based on three pointsTo be environmentally efficient in the airTo be environmentally efficient on th e groundTo lead in shaping a greener future for aviation, for example- one C offsetting- shaping future aircraft design- for example, the ecoJeteasyJet high efficiency = lower emissions = low faresSWOT AnalysisA SWOT abstract analyses the internal Strengths and Weaknesses of easyJet along with the external Threats and Opportunities.Strengths salubrious known, respected and memorable deformity nameStrong and well known leadership figure in Stelios No Bullshit approachMotivated workforce independently trained at the easyJet academyVery effective advertising strategies developed to reinforce the easyJet brand along with mass exposure through ITVs AirportGood association of the market and effective responses to competitors attempting to steal potential customersFly to a large number of main holiday destinationsLower carbon emissions due to using newer fleet of aircraftCost reduction with the removal of travel agentsHigh passenger volumeLow operating beDiversification into other mar kets, car rental, internet cafes and hotels categorical managerial hierarchy, thus simplification costsInnovator with regards to online booking and ticket-less travelWeaknessesFly only within Europe and no current intentions to expand outside of the stainlessRely on computer bookings to such(prenominal)(prenominal) extent that business would be unable to operate with computer failure or virus attack.No customer retention/relationship policy.No points scheme to reward frequent flyersAccess to European airports allowed by the deregulation of the industry, which may vary in the futureOutsources many an(prenominal) of its services to third parties which may be damaging to its reputationSuccess of Easyjet makes it difficult and expensive to train staff quickly enough.OpportunitiesLower costs hike upIncrease faresIntroduction of more countries into the European Union has increased potential customers and flight destinationsExpand into new routes, outside of Europe, and long haulDecreas e caper around timesImprove aircraft workVertical integration to eliminate outsourced functions of easyJets procedureGain offshoot mover advantage with regards to using substitute(a) greener fuel cellsIntroduction of points scheme to reward and retain frequent flyersThreatsRising fuel pricesIntroduction of a carbon emission tax or other environmental regulationsNew emerging competitionCompetitors undercutting prices or offering correspondent prices for a more efficient/better serviceAircraft maintenance problemsTerrorism reducing air travel numbersEmerging alternative modes of transportReputation lost in event of well publicised incidentDelaysPEST AnalysisA PEST analysis analyses the Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological factor influencing the low-cost airline industry.Political FactorsThreat of terrorism upon airlinesGovernments applying taxes upon carbon emissionsIntroduction of more countries into the European unionEconomic FactorsIncreasing fuel costs and o ther environmental restrictionsEuropean Union regulationsProspect of higher security and insurance costs due to the increased risk of terrorism.Continuing growth of air travel through continuing globalisationIntroduction of the Euro single currency is likely to integrate Europe even moreSocio-Cultural FactorsTravel and holidays are becoming more and more typical for a large percent of the UKpopulationContinuing growth of multi-national enterprises has caused business travel to become more commonGaining customers from France and Germany may cause problems as these nations are still very reluctant in using credit cards over the phone and on the internetTechnological FactorsAdvancements in e-commerce resulting in increased online competitionImprovements in engine technology will allow easyJets planes to run more efficiently and reduce emissionsIncreases in fuel technology offering easyJet alternative fuel sourcesPorters 5 forces modelPorters 5 forces model looks at the threat of subst itutes, the threat of new entrants, the mightiness of suppliers, the power of buyers and the rivalry among existing firms to analyse the competitiveness within a certain industry.The threat of substitutesFairly low threat from other modes of transport as the cost and time advantage clearly separates the low cost airlines from the luxury and comfort offered from substitutes such as high speed train services. For example London to Glasgow takes 6 hours on a train and costs around 80 whereas Easyjet offers the service in 1 hour only costing 29.Regarding travel into mainland Europe the outdo is far too great for train, car and ferry travel to be a realistic worthwhile substitute. For example if a customer was to drive to the southernmost of France for a short spend break the travel would take too long for it to be realistic and practical trip .The threat of new entrants ex insisting mail capacity at suitable airports means any new airline would start it hard to find suitable take o ff and landing slots. broad start up capital required for the purchase of aircraftNew entrants would be working as a loss leader for a number of years due to the large initial expensesThe low cost airline industry within the UK is fairly mature but as easyJet were one of the initial firms into this industry they hold a strong position. However within the rest of Europe there are many holiday operators who are attempting to enter the low cost airline industry themselves.The power of suppliersThe price of fuel is considerly related to the cost of oil which is ever increasing. Easyjet rely on being able to discover fuel but prevail no control over the price.Aircraft manufactures are extremely concentrated within the industry with Boeing and Airbus the two main manufactures. The dependence of stark parts from a certain manufactures could pose a risk.The more Easyjet expands the more power it will hold over its suppliers through gaining economies of scale.The power of buyers purchase r power within the airline industry, especially the low cost sector is especially strong as customers often shop around and try to find the best price. This factor has been extended through the introduction of many online flight search engines such as and Civil aviation authority (CAA) provides protection against(1) the consequences of travel organisers failure for people who buy package holidays, charter flights and discounted scheduled air tickets and(2) licences airlines and ensures compliance with requirements of European and UK legislation relating to financial resources, liability and insurance of airlines.Customers experience no negative feature of switching supplier so are happy to do so.Rivalry among existing firmsRyan Air, BMI baby, MyTravelite, Jet2 and Buzz are all competitors with the UK low cost airline industry but Ryan Air is the only one of these to have succeeded and shown a constantly yearly profit.British Airways and othe r traditional flight operators trajectory from the UK are competitors but on a much lower scare as they are targeting different market segmentsThere are over one hundred European based low cost airlines,many of them are very small but still act as competition for easyJet. polar Types of competitorsSimilar specific same product, technology and target marketSimilar general Same product area but serving different segmentsDifferent specific Same need satisfactory by very different meansDifferent general Competing for discretionary spend(Brassington, pg 866)In relation to Easyjet the similar specific competitors are the other no-frills low cost airlines, operating within Europe. The largest firm that fits this specification is Ryan Air thus they are easyJets prime competitor. Other no-frills low cost airlines operating within the UK include Jet2, bmibaby and Flybe.The similar general competitors are other airlines that operate within Europe but which are targeting a different type of clientele. Within the UK the largest operators are British Airways and thoroughgoing(a) but both of these operators tend to concentrate on the more upper class expensive business flights. They are also not in direct competition with Easyjet as they offer flights all over the world and are not restricted to just within Europe.The different specific competitors are firms which offer travel into Europe by means other than air travel. This would be the channel turn over operator Euro tunnel and the English channel ferry operators such as P&O, Brittany or Stena Line.These are not in direct competition as the main differentiation is that on both the channel tunnel and the ferry crossing people heap take their cars onboard. It is also a much longer process so unless visiting the west coast of France weekend breaks would seem quite pointless as the duration of the ferry would be too long.Different general competitors could be firms offering holidays and trips within the UK where no a ir travel is needed at all. Different general competitors could also be firms supplying other luxury items that may be bought instead of a holiday, such as a new car.Competitor analysisAs the range of competition throughout these groups (above), is at varying intensities the similar specific and similar general groups will be broken down into four segments for ease of analysis. Competition will be analysed through a competitor analysis.Who are our competitors?Segment 1Ryanair Easyjets direct competitorsSegment 2Other UK based low-cost airlines Jet2, flybe, bmibaby,Segment 3Standard UK based airlines British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, KLM and BMISegment 4European based low-cost airlines There are over 100 European low cost airlines such as Condor, gwings, SkyEurope and Blu Express.AssumptionsIt is inevitable that the continuous growth in the low cost airline industry will begin to slow down as the industry is becomes saturated. It is believed that the current mass of operators will be whittled down to a handful of major airlines. A large number of the smaller low cost airlines that will unavoidably struggle to compete will be involved in take-overs allowing the bigger players in the industry to sustain to grow.What are our competitors strengths and weaknesses?RyanAir StrengthsWell known and respected brand nameLow costs due to low airport chargesHigh internet booking ratioHigh aircraft engagementUse single type of aircraftFast turn around timesHigh seat densityRyanAir WeaknessesRecent reports of poor customer serviceNegative pressAirports are often long distance from travellers end destinationUK based low cost airline StrengthsAll have their own website for bookings and ticket-less travelSome have strong financial backingFast turnaround timeLow operating costsUK based low cost airline WeaknessesRelatively small in comparison to easyJet and RyanAirLarge advertising costsSmall network of routesCompeting in competitive industry resulting in many mergers and take- oversRestricted to the use of certain airportsStandard UK based airlines StrengthsRespected and well known brand namesWorldwide serviceStrong financial backingRespected standard of serviceStandard UK based airlines WeaknessesLow aircraft utilisation (compared to easyJet)High costsHigh pricesEuropean low-cost airline StrengthsUse ofsingle currency (Euro) can reduce costsCloser to emerging markets (Eastern Europe)Low costsWell know brand names, in their respected home countriesEuropean low-cost airline WeaknessesRelatively small compared to easyJet and RyanAirVirtually unknown in the UKCompeting in fierce industryRestricted use of certain airportsWhat are our competitors objectives?RyanAir RyanAirs objective is to firmly establish itself as Europes pencil lead low-fares scheduled passenger airline through continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fares service.RyanAir aims to offer low fares that generate increased passenger traffic while maintaining a continuous focu s on cost-containment and operating efficiencies. ( based low cost airlines Initially the UK based low cost airlines objectives are to survive in the industry by increasing their market share. The inevitable saturation of the market will cause many of the smaller low cost airlines to be merged or interpreted over by the larger players. In order to avoid this smaller low cost airlines need to differentiate themselves from the crowd or gain a unique selling point through lower costs, excellent customer services or exploiting new routes.Standard UK based airlines Aim to continue their pronouncement of flights in and out of the UK by emphasising the quality of the service they provide. They also plan to reduce prices in order to shorten the gap between themselves and the low cost airlines.European bases low cost airlines European low cost airlines need to survive in the market by increasing their market share. This could be naturalized by increasing their network rout es or branching into un-targeted countries within Europe. It is also plausible that mergers will occur within this sector to reduce the risk of failure.RecommendationsEasyJet can not avoid the increasing oil and petrol prices which is bound to effect the industry sooner rather than later. It may be recommended that easyJet start looking into using alternative renewable fuel sources. If easyJet can get hold of the technology to run their fleet of planes on a greener fuel they may gain first mover advantage and capture large amounts of the competitions customers.Over the next three years it would be recommended that easyJet focus on joining the dots of their European network rather than attempting long haul flights as this would be difficult and would carry a large initial risk. If easyJet could join the dots in their European network it would fight off the competition from the emerging low cost airlines attempting to grow within the industry.ConclusionIn conclusion easyJet have built a strong brand which has positioned them in an excellent spot within the low cost sector of the airline industry. With this sector of the industry predicted to grow, competition is likely to intensify even more but as easyJet has already built a strong brand and customer base it is unlikely they will be forced out of the market. EasyJet need to continue its advertising strategies, reinforcing its image and brand name to continue as one of the industries leading airlines. As the UK market is saturated and offers small or no growth opportunity, it would be logical for easyJet to focus on the expansion of their route networks within Eastern Europe. EasyJet should accomplish this through providing the routes themselves or merging with a competitor that already does.Reference ListBirds eye view. SWOT analysis of low cost carrier industry (April 2007)http// 7-12-2007Blythe, J (2006) Principles and Practice of Marketing, Thom pson Learning, Bedford Row, LondonBrassington, F. Petit, S. (2003) Principles of Marketing, page Pearson Education, Harlow, EssexChannel 4 news. How green is easyJet? (May 2007) http// 20-11-2007Crawford,C. Easyjet SWOT Analysis (2004) http// 25-11-2007Hoffmann, J. Ryan Air Environmental Analysis, Discussion of core competencies and Strategy Proposal (2004)http// take in/39017.html 25-11-2007Manzoor, M. Easyjet (2005) http//

Monday, May 20, 2019

Creating Safe Environments Essay

quislingism with parents is one of the most challenging and critical issues that cause misunderstandings within the classroom and throughout the school building. It is a non-negotiable expectation among parents and teachers that include building a net consummation between and among parents and teachers. It involves a sense of mutual think of as well as an understanding of different viewpoints. Teachers should be mindful that building bloods early in the school year will result in a positive classroom environment in which students have a secure place to learn.Parents and teachers should share expertise regarding the student in which information rough learning styles are presented in a non-threatening manner. Teachers should be able to use limited amounts of teacher oral communication so parents are able to understand expectations within the classroom as well as essay guidelines for following up on strategies at home. As a parent, I would appreciate a relationship with the person who spends most of the day with my child. I would gain insight into the way my child thinks in conglomerate situations to create a deeper understanding of relationships in the real world.The need for character reproduction for parents lies in the occurrence that children should be shown examples of good character both at home and at school. School has to build the work that the family does (Lickona, 2009). Parents should unequivocally be involved and taught character education strategies. Much of what we see as teachers is a reflectivity of a poor home environment as parents who live complicated lives. Many are hotshot parents and lack the time or resources to handle the complex problems of children today.They want nothing more than for their children to be successful, yet as educators, it is our responsibility to provide resources for parents such as strategies and techniques, parenting courses with childcare and methods which foster values that all concourse should acquire in society. In this ever changing world, I, as a parent would welcome near insight to how my children are becoming part of the world they live in. This collaboration in character education should be purposeful as is our teaching. The purpose of character education should change the way the classroom whole kit and feels, not just the way each member acts (Lichona, 1991).

Economy, Religion, Government & Education

The essence of politics is power. magnate is the capacity of people or groups to control or influence the actions of others, whether those others wish to cooperate or not. There are three mechanisms for commanding the actions of others reward, punishment, and controlling of information.Authority and power legitimating Two classification of Power that categorized by Sociologist Legitimate power Power used in a way that is gener exclusivelyy recognized as socially right and necessary. love child power Power used without social approval. Example Gangsters who demand and witness protection money from a shopkeeper y threatening violence are using illegitimate power. Government agencies that demand and receive a sales tax from the same shopkeeper are using legitimate power. Democracy literally means rule of the people. In a true democracy, the powers of governance derive from the ballock consent of the governed, and citizens generate a right to participate in decision-making proc ess. In a representative democracy, the most common type, citizens select for officials to represent them. Only in very small democratic systems can each citizen affect politics by direct involvement this hype of democracy is called participatory or direct democracy. Totalitarianism is take place by a single party, in which there is governmental surveillance and control over all aspects of life.The totalitarian evoke creates an official ideology, a total world view and a set of rules of behavior. agree worldviews are suppressed, rival phantasmal groups are persecuted, and the works of many artists and intellectuals are censored. Authoritarianism Authoritarianism crowning(prenominal) self-assurance is vested in a single person. The ruler may be either a monarch butterfly (a genic ruler), or a dictator (someone who as come to power and typically holds that power by means of force). Ideology and political parties do not play a major role in the authoritarian regime.There ar e important differences between authoritarian and totalitarian regimes An authoritarian regime is one that does not tolerate political opposition but is prepared to allow institutions and sectors of society to function free of the state provided they do not engage in political activity. A totalitarian regime is one that seeks to cut back state control over every institution of society, regardless of whether it engages in within an all-embracing political design. Berger, 198683-84) Authority refers to legitimate power that is institutional in nature.Max Weber classified the main sources of social authority into three types Traditional authority is authority that is conferred by custom and accepted practice. In a hereditary monarchy, the power of the head of the government is legitimated by birth. Charismatic authority is authority that is generated by the personality or exceptional personal appeal of an individual. Legal-rational authority is authority that rests on rationally estab lished rules. State virtually legitimate power or authority is found in every group or organization.Formal and Non-Formal pedagogics Informal education is learning through interaction with others in the group. Non- formal education consists of sets of definite learning goals and objectives. Non- formal education is not covered by traditional school system. Social organizations, private companies, government offices, livelihood training centers, and other institutions administer non-formal education. Formal education is synonymous with school. It sets definite goals and objectives reached through systematized, formal instruction methods. Schools are run by the state, by private individuals or reparations, or by religious groups.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Analysis of Bartleby, the scrivener Essay

The fibbers initial self-characterization is important to the story. He is a sound gentleman, wizard who takes few risks and tries above all to conform. The most pragmatic concerns of financial security and ease of life argon his priorities. He has made himself perfectly at home in the modern economy he works as a lawyer dealing with rich handss legal documents. He is at that placefore an opposite or complement to Bartleby in many ways.He is also ill conform to to be entrusted with the salvation of a nonher. Bartleby the Scrivener is one of the first great stories of corporate discontent. The emptiness of modern business organization life is an important theme. The translation of the piece is incredibly bleak on one side, the windows open onto a light shaft, and on the other, the windows look out onto a brick wall. The landscape of fence Street is completely unnatural, and one is cut off from nature and almost all living things. At night, this isolation also includes the absence seizure of people.The work environment is sterile and cheerless. Yet most adapt to it, with varying degrees of success. though the fibber is a successful man, he is a victim, in just astir(predicate) ways, of progress. He has doomed the post he occupied during the central events of the story, as the position was deemed redundant and eliminated. The modern economy includes constant and unfeeling change, which comes at a cost. Doubling is a recurring theme in Bartleby. Bartleby is a phantom double of our cashier, and the parallels between them leave be further explored later.Nippers and jokester argon doubles of each(prenominal) other. Nippers is useless in the morning and amentiferous in the afternoon, while Turkey is drunk in the afternoon and productive in the morning. Nippers ambition mirrors Turkeys resignation to his place and the sad uneventfulness of his c beer, the difference coming about because of their several(prenominal) boards. Nippers cherishes ambit ions of being more than than than a mere scrivener, while the elderly Turkey must plead with the narrator to consider his age when evaluating his productivity.Their vices are also parallel, in terms of being appropriate vices for each mans respective age. Alcoholism is a vice that develops with time. Ambition arguably is most volatile in a mans youth. These two characters are obviously non fleshed out they are caricatures of different personalities found in the business world, and their silliness is stretched beyond the point of believable realism. They provide valuable comic relief in what is otherwise a somber and upsettingtale.From the beginning, the description of Bartleby is striking. He is a person who take cares already dead(p) he is depict alternately as one would describe a corpse or as one would describe a ghost. Pale from indoors work, motionless, without any expression or shew of humanity passion in him at all, he is a man already beaten.Even his famous narrat ive of non-compliance, I would prefer not to, is an act of exhaustion rather than active defiance. His success at acquire away with his uncooperativeness comes from his very passivity, which seems to cast a spell everyplace the narrator. It is not I leave not entirely I would prefer not, emphasizing that Bartleby is acting out of emotional response rather than rough philosophical or ethical choice. Bartleby will detach from the world in stages, beginning with this first statement.With each time he reiterates the statement, he is renouncing one more piece of the world and its duties. The final renunciation will be of living itself, characteristically arrived at indirectly by the preference not to eat. The scenes in which the narrator asks the advice of his employees are endlessly comical in tone. Each man reacts according to the dictates of the time of sidereal day if it is morning, Nippers is impetuous and Turkey benign, and if it is afternoon, Turkey is belligerent and Nipp ers calm. Their predictable reactions underscore their status as symbols or types rather than graphic characters. They also serve as the clowns of the story.Bartleby and the narrator are more real, provided both of them also obligate powerful allegorical roles. Note that these two share an contribution room, just as Nippers and Turkey do. Increasingly, Bartleby is described in unearthly terms, and a perceptive reader will soon realize that the ghost is in some ways the narrators phantom double. Note how often we see Bartleby as phantom, as when the narrator roars his name until he appears Like a very ghost, agreeably to the the laws of magical invocation, at the trinity summons, he appeared at the entrance of his hermitage (19). Later, we learn that Bartleby haunts the build. Like a ghost, he lives in the office when no one else is there, when rampart Street is a desert, a landscape both completely unnatural and forlornly empty.The narrator senses that there are parallels bet ween himself and the scrivener, and Bartlebys gloom infects him Before, I had never experienced nought but a not unpleasing sadness. The bond of a common humanity now draw me irresistibly to gloom. A fraternal melancholy For both I and Bartleby were sons of Adam (23). Bartlebysplight draws the narrator into depths of feeling that he did not know he was capable of. Part of Bartlebys power over the narrator is that he somehow sees Bartleby as a actuate of himself. He, too, has been forced to adapt to the business world. that while he has adapted and gone by dint of the consequent numbing (previous unable to feel more than a not unpleasing sadness), Bartleby has been bludgeoned to exhaustion.Nothing pleases him about this world. The narrator, at different times, wants to wait on Bartleby. alone we have been warned that the narrator is a safe man who thinks the easiest path is also the best. His pity for Bartleby turns to revulsion (see the qualifying from pp. 24-25, above). The narrators plight works through the themes of responsibility and compassion. His obligations, in one sense, are nothing. however as far as Bartleby is a living, suffering being, and that both men are sons of Adam, the narrator arguably should do all that he stack.To what extent is the narrator supposed to do the melancholic scrivener? Has he failed as a human being if he has done any less than all he can? After asserting that after a certain point, pity becomes revulsion, he defends the transformation They swerve who would assert that invariably this is owing to the inherent selfishness of the human heart. It rather proceeds from a certain despair of remedying excessive and organic ill (24-25). Yet the narrator goes on to describe the transformation as defensive.Although he denies the charge that the pity-to-revulsion change is due to selfishness, his explanation of the motives behind it seem like littler more than a selfishness that is philosophically justified. At work here i s what Toni Morrison (an admirer of Melville) would call a shortage of love. Ironically, on the day his pity turns to revulsion, the narrator was on his way to Church.The narrator never does make it to Church that day, and the symbolism is obvious. Though he was on his way to see a celebrity preacher, religions highest ideals do not win a place in the narrators heart Melville, as he does in many of his works, is taking a small jab at religion and its inability to change men meaningfully for the better. The narrator will try to help Bartleby return home, but we will see that there are limits to what he feels he can do.The office pose of the modern business world undergoes some interesting conceptualizations in this section. At first, the narrator calls our attention to the desolateness of the office and of Wall Street Of a Sunday, Wall Street is deserted as Petra and every night ofevery day it is an emptiness (23). There are parallels between Bartlebys experience of the workplace at night and his experience of the workplace in world(a) share a similarity he sees something that no one else sees. The desolation of Wall Street is part of Bartlebys essential perception of it. The literal desolation at night is paralleled by the spiritual desolation during the day. Bartleby sees both, and through him the narrator gets some sense of them.The narrator also makes an interesting move by describing the office as a site of savagery. He cites the example of a recent Wall Street murder, and explains why an office can be conducive to otherwise unthinkable acts Often it had occurred to me in my ponderings upon the subject, that had that altercation interpreted place in the public street, or at a private residence, it would not have modify as it did. It was the circumstance of being alone in a solitary office, up stairs, of a building entirely unhallowed by humanizing domestic associations . . . (33-34). The office, a site of modern economic systems and progress, becomes a space like the jungle island in The Lord of the Flies. Something about the space is dehumanizing, and makes murder possible.Finally, the narrators dismantle to help Bartleby weakens, and its because of his work. Apparently, the modern office also makes possible the neglect of another human being. The narrator is certainly not an exception among humans for his choices he puts up with more from Bartleby than anyone else does. unless in the end, he makes choices that amount to abandonment of Bartleby.If his action is something any human would do, then the abandonment of Bartleby is a comment on humanity. The ghostly descriptions of Bartleby are now extended to the narrator. He describes going up the stairs to his old office as going upstairs to my old haunt (42). The language is part of the expansion of Bartlebys ghostly characteristics to the narrator and later, to all of humanity.We see that Bartleby does not want to do anything living itself tires him. In this way, Bartleby the S crivener is more than just a didactic tract on the economic world of Melvilles day. The conditions of life are not easily changed, and the depictions of office sterility and isolation in a large, unnatural world seem equally applicable today. Bartleby is a creature unable to adapt to this world, because he is too honest about what appeals to him. Nothing in life excites him. When the narrator tries to suggest different occupations to Bartleby, the scriveners response is always the same I would prefernot to.The narrators offer to have Bartleby stay at his own home seems initially generous, but this belated offer of hospitality comes from a fear of indignation a lawyer has threatened to publish the case in the papers. Yet one of the accomplishments of the story is that our narrator is basically a decent man. His abandonment of Bartleby is in no way exceptional, nor are we meant to see the narrator as more cruel or uncaring than the rest of humanity. If he fails Bartleby, we also must deliver that most of us would fail him as well. Several times in the story, we are made to query Bartlebys sanity. Ginger Nut gleefully suggests that Bartleby is insane I think, sir, hes a little loony (16). The narrator also apparently shares the opinion, as he confides to the grub-man that Bartleby is a little deranged (44).But Bartleby, whatever his problems may be, is fully aware of the world around him. When the narrator greets Bartleby in prison, hes condescending to him, speaking to him in the way that one condescends to the mad And see, it is not so sad a place as one might think. Look, there is the sky, and here is the grass. Bartlebys reply is concise and crisp I know where I am (43). He is aware of the world. Notice also that there is a double meaning in the exchange. Both Bartleby and the narrator could be referring to the world itself. Bartleby is asserting that he can see the world around him clearly, and he apparently finds nothing to excite him. Environment has b een important so far to the story, and Melvilles concise and powerful description of the prison yard continues the trend. Death pick upry is abundant.The description comes not during the first visit, but right before the narrator finds Bartlebys destruction. He describes the character of the masonry as Egyptian, and mentions the soft imprisoned turf growing underfoot. The heart of the eternal pyramids, it seemed, wherein, by some strange magic, through the clefts, grass-seed, dropped by birds, had sprung (45). For people of Melvilles day, even more so than now, Egyptian character would recall death, as the Egyptian civilization was known mostly through its funerary objects and elaborate burial practices. Incidentally, the Halls of Justice are called The Tombs.The image of the turf is ambiguous. Is it an image of hope, or of imprisonment? The heart of the eternal pyramids is a pretty phrase, but the pyramids, it must be remembered, were tombs. Death itself is the only constant. The image of birds dropping seeds, which grow in spite of the antagonistic environment, islyrical and powerful. But is the grass a metaphor for hope, and lifes persistence, the possibility of survival and bang in a harsh environment? Or does the phrase imprisoned turf dominate the image? The grass then becomes battered, trapped life, with no hope of escaping the Egyptian character of the Tombs.Mortality is not a theme here in the usual sense. Bartleby chooses his death, detaching from life in stages and sliding towards an inevitable end. The real death is more than an event in time death is diffuse, a spiritual gloom pervading the empty Wall Street landscape, the imposing stonework of the prison, and the Dead Letter Office where Bartleby supposedly worked. Living is not the opposite of death, but a condition continually assaulted and permeated by it.The final rumor is haunting and dark. We learn also that Bartleby befogged the Dead Letter Office job due to an administration change. The doubling continues remember that the narrator lost his position due to bureaucratic change as well. Here, the doubling is expanded. Bartleby is a phantom double not only for the narrator, but for all of humanity. The Dead Letter Office is a place of supreme gloom, where evidence of human mortality and the futility of our best intentions would have been unavoidable. The narrator, a man who adapts to this life, who thrives in the world that exhausted Bartleby, cannot help but be moved by Bartlebys vision.The tone of his final statement (Ah, Bartleby Ah, humanity) is of a sadness mixed with resignation, a pained sigh rather than a shriek of anger. He has failed to help even one man. He can do nothing to alter the human condition.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Final Report

Submitted to CHITKARA BUSINESS SCHOOLIn fond(p) fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree ofBachelor of Commerce 2015-2018 Submitted by supervise bySanchit Grover Dr. Rashmi Aggarwal 1520991298 prof CHITKARA BUSINESS SCHOOLCHITKARA UNIVERSITY2018CERTIFICATE OF INTERNSHIP COMPLETIONCANDIDATES DECLARATIONI hereby bothege that the major project which is puted in this report entitled EMPLOYMENT RETENTION AND MOTIVATIONAL STRATEGIES submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the BCOM FINAL YEAR to the Chitkara University, Punjab Campus is an au accordinglytic record of my own sour carried out at Chitkara University, Punjab Campus. The material embodied in this project work has not been submitted to both(prenominal) separate university or insane asylum for the award of any degree.SANCHIT GROVER 1520991298 AcknowledgementIn performing my project, I surrender taken the help and guideline of some prize Persons, who deserve our capaci ousest gratitude. The completion of this project gives us much pleasure. I would same to show my gratitude to Professor Dr. Rashmi Aggarwal for giving guidelines for project throughout numerous consultations.I would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to in all those who welcome directly and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment. I extend my gratitude to my managing director Mr. Rajesh Kumar , my Head Mr. Dushyant Yadav and all my colleagues, friends for their support, guidance and assistance for ongoing industrial training and for preparing the project report. I thank all the passel for their help directly and indirectly to complete my assignment.Sanchit Grover1520991298Executive summaryI did my internship in RCMICCI, Chandigarh. In todays competitive world NGO have become more than(prenominal) and more popular. In this agreement I worked under the Managing Director, Mr. Rajesh Kumar.. n atomic number 53-governmental constitutions,nongovernmentalorganization s, ornongovernment organizations, comm solo referred to asNGOs, ar usuallynonprofitand sometimes global organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations (though often funded by governments)that are active in humanitarian, upbringingal, healthcare, public policy, social, human rights, surroundingsal, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives.They are and so a subgroup of all organizations founded by citizens, which include clubs and other sleepersthat provide services, benefits, and premises only to members. Sometimes the barrier is used as a synonym of civil society organization to refer to any association founded by citizens,but this is not how the term is normally used in the media oreveryday quarrel, as recorded by major dictionaries.The explanation of the term by (the non-governmental organizations associated with the United Nations) is ambivalent. It first says an NGO isany non-profit, voluntary citizen s group which is organized on a local, national or international level, but then goes on to restrict the meaning in the sense used by most English speakers and the mediaTask-oriented and driven by pack with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, land citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information.CHAPTER- 1Introductory ChapterEmployment keeping Employment retention is basi watchwordy the ability of an organization to retain the employees. It is possible to present employment holding through statistics. context is employment store is related to the efforts of employers in retaining the employees in their workforce. Retention becomes the strategies rather than the moment thither should be a distinction between the top performers and low performing employees and the efforts to retain the employees should be targeted as valuable.Employee turnoveris a symptom of deeper issues that have not been resolved, which may include lowemployee morale, absence of a clear career path, overleap of recognition, poor employee-manager relationships or many other issues. A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities.Learning from study Retention and pauperism strategies help organizations to attain organizational efficiency on peerless hand by increasing the productivity and profitability while on the other hand it satisfies the individuals ineluctably of employees by reducing stress, job insecurity and increasing loyalty and commitment and job satisfaction.Motivation and retention are considered as valued tool for organizational performance and achieving quality of work life. In the present era of competition and globalization there is a need to pay attention towards the employees motivation and retention in stray to achieve growth and success and developing such a work environment where employees enjoy their work and give their best.Introduction to my workCompany Name is RCMICCI, RCMICCI, was registered with the Registrar of Societies, under Societies allowance Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New Delhi. The association brings in concert all the exhibition organizers, managers, designers dead end contractors, charge forwarders, services facilities providers, venue owners etc. so that there is a common platform for them..Sub kinfolk is Indian Non- Government Organization. Primary attitude is Delhi. Main language of this organization is English. Registered process of this company is plan no. 316, Park View Plaza, Ajmal caravan inn Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, India . RCMICCI is a proactive and dynamic multi-state apex organization working at the grass-root level and with strong national and international linkages. The Chamber acts as a throttle in the promotion of manufacture, trade and entrepr eneurship.RCMICCI, through its research-based policy advocacy role, positively impacts the economic growth and instruction of the nation.RCMICCI is more than an organization of the art community, as it lives by the chosen motto In Communitys Life digress of It and contributes significantly to socio-economic development and capacity building in several(prenominal) fields.Besides the trade promotion and business development RCMICCI is committed to the upliftment of its members through various methods RCMICCI (Reserve kin & minority Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry).We are an organization working for the growth of business to the Reserve Category and Minority based MSME industries and large descale industries wide organizing the regular interactive sessions with the sectors giants like Buyer vendor meet, Trade Fairs, Seminars, Etc.Project Undertaken The topic undertaken by me for research and project is Employment retention and motivational strategies.Employment Reten tion is basically the ability of an organization to retain the employees. It is possible to present employment retention through statistics. Consideration is employment retention is related to the efforts of employers in retaining the employees in their workforce. Retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome in that respect should be a distinction between the top performers and low performing employees and the efforts to retain the employees should be targeted as valuable.Here, motivation plays the most important role as employees needs motivation to complete their chores, may it be fiscal or non m angiotensin-converting enzymetary. Considering the case of NGO, where Ive done my internship from, is an exclusive voluntary group of individuals operated not for profit or any commercial purpose, but to serve the general public and also enhance the industrial activities in various measure. India having huge unemployment rate puzzles the situation worse, this NGO helps th e needy as much as possible.In the on-going scenario low income and job security are the biggest problems. Therefore, there is a pressure of NGOs in such areas with aiming to address the social challenges faced by that region. The NGOs engage staff to complete their agenda within their lifetime. 2.1) Introduction to Corporate2.1.1) historical Background Company Name is RCMICCI, RCMICCI, was registered with the Registrar of Societies, Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New Delhi.The association brings together all the exhibition organizers, managers, designers & stand contractors, freight forwarders, services & facilities providers, venue owners etc. so that there is a common platform for them.. Sub category is Indian Non- Government Organization. Primary localization of function is Delhi. Main language of this organization is English. Registered address of this company is Plot no. 316, Park View Plaza, Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-11 0005, India .RCMICCI is a proactive and dynamic multi-state apex organization working at the grass-root level and with strong national and international linkages. The Chamber acts as a catalyst in the promotion of industry, trade and entrepreneurship. RCMICCI, through its research-based policy advocacy role, positively impacts the economic growth and development of the nation.RCMICCI is more than an organization of the business community, as it lives by the chosen motto In Communitys Life & Part of It and contributes significantly to socio-economic development and capacity building in several fields.Besides the trade promotion and business development RCMICCI is committed to the upliftment of its members through various methods RCMICCI (Reserve Category Minority Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry).We are an organization working for the growth of business to the Reserve Category and Minority based MSME industries and large scale industries wide organizing the regular interacti ve sessions with the sectors giants like Buyer Seller meet, Trade Fairs, Seminars, Etc.2.1.2) Mission In order to provide marketing opportunities to MSMEs within the country, certain theme based exhibitions / technology fairs etc. organized by RCMICCI, focused on products and services offered by MSMEs specially for all reserve category and minority element of our society which include technologies suitable for employment generation, products from specific regions or clusters (like Food processing, Machine-tools, Electronics, Leather etc). Micro, Small average Enterprises would be provided space at concessional rates to exhibit their products and services in such exhibitions/fairs.Apart from supra RCMICCI also facilitates participation of MSMEs in the exhibitions / trade fairs / events being organized in various State all over the country to exhibit their products and services. These exhibitions may be organized in consultation with the concerned stakeholders and industry associa tions etc.The calendar for these events may be finalized well in advance and publicized widely amongst all members. The calendar of events would also be displayed on the Web-site of RCMICCI. Participation in such events is expected to help the MSMEs in enhancing their marketing avenues by way of capturing new markets and expanding existing markets. This would also help them in becoming ancillaries, partners in joint ventures and sub-contracting for large companies.We provides strategies for expanding business , by organizing specialized business events and simultaneously working with the Government by providing policy suggestions which are essentially based on inputs collated from research and industry .2.1.3) Vision Weve seen children who have the latent to achieve alot in their life, but they lack achieving it because of lack of finance and resources.Many women capable of touching the skies are unable to attain their goals.our vision is to contribute the maximum of what we earn t owards the education of all those poor students who are unable to spend on their education. We promote every small thing that would further contribute to the eudaemonia of the nation as well as the citizens. Small startups by various households are being more and more encouraged. Further how can we forget the women empowerment.We encourage more and more women entrepreneurship so as to make the women of now with the best potential and who are capable of being independent of all. 2.1.4) Industry profileRCMICCI being a national body representing all segments of the exhibition industry comprising of organizers, venue owners, and service providers like stand construction companies, logistics, etc the vision and mission of IEIA, besides driving the association, is to promote Indian exhibitions and trade fairs as a cost effective marketing medium nationally and internationally.In the increasing digital age, Exhibitions are the only media where buyers, sellers and products tangiblely come together and thus become a potent force for business. Exhibitions are one of the most effective media for establishing and maintaining customer relations. Exhibitions become a success only if it is planned and organized properly by taking into account the position of the stalls and the total ambience of the hall etc.2.2) Name and location of group companyCompany Name is RCMICCI, RCMICCI, was registered with the Registrar of Societies, Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New DelhiSub category is Indian Non- Government Organization. Primary location is Delhi. Main language of this organization is English. Registered address of this company is Plot no. 316, Park View Plaza, Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, India .2.3)ServicesRCMICCI organises trade fairs and being a non profit organisation, serves the society well by promoting women entrepreneurship , contributes to the education of those kids whose families cannot expend it or the o nes without a family and also promotes startups which encourages the ones who have good plans and are willing to do something of their own.2.4) Department of work in Organisation I worked with event manager Mr. Dushyant Yadav .He guided me very nicely and properly.In the organization where I am doing my internship is that I am learning the overall care that includes client relation, time management and at last man power management. Commitment, leadership and mental and physical devotion are the centre of attention factors needed to manage any type of event. Irrespective of the type or the scale of the event, the mental and physical hard work that is to be put in, differs only by a negligible degree of difference.There are innumerable activities that have to be carried out. First of all forming commissionings, then allocating different jobs to each committee is the very first step. Here all the theoretical concepts learnt up till now in subjects like public relations, human resour ce planning, logistics, human skills, controlling, accounts, organizing, and others come into actual use. As an event manager one must have a lot of flexibility in terms of working pattern.Be exhaust to do all sorts of jobs irrespective of your position.2.4.2- Roles Assigned The roles appoint to me were The duty assigned to me was to arrange more and more sponsors for the exhibition and further I was delegated to handle and manage the entire finance of the event so organized. There were various sponsors who showed a lot of interest to be a part of our exhibition and were attracted by the actor of organizing such events.Some of the sponsors that joined us were Jio LIC Mewara University Maya Garden Magnesia Radio Mirchi Dainik Bhaskar Ajit2.5) LessonWorking under RCMICCI was a great experience and moreover got a lot more to learn in the practical sense. The works assigned to me helped a lot in gaining various skills relating to event management. As I was asked to approach the spon sors , this task helped me a lot in enhancing my client relations skill. As it helped me how to deal with different sorts of people differently and influencing them with your words.Secondly, I got to develop my marketing skills as well as the management skills. I was also assigned the task of handling the finance which eventually helped in developing the skills.Being an NGO RCMICCI donates it earnings and profits towards the encouragement of education among the poor sector. Which too taught me about working selflessly for the society and the welfare of those who cannot afford the essentialities of ones life. 2.5.2) Lessons/experience learnt including skills obtained chat Skills Interaction with senior staff members and distinct customers helped me to boost up my communication skills.Teamwork Skills People in the workplace performteamworkwhen workers combine their individual skills in pursuit of a goal.Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal skillsare the tools people use to interact and communicate with individuals in an organizational environment.Problem-solving Skills I benefited from having good problem solving skills as we all encounter problems on a daily basis, some of these problems are obviously more intemperate or complex than others.Organizational Skills Organizational skills in the workplace include general organizing, planning, and time management, scheduling, set up resources and meeting deadlines.PRE-PLACEMENT OFFER OR AWARD OF RECOGNITIONBeing an NGO that organizes events time to time, they dont hire an employee on an regular basis. Whenever an event such as trade fairs , exhibitions etc. are organized they do call their best representatives for helping them out and for that work Ive been strongly recommended. Also along with my internship certificate theyve rated me excellent for that purpose.